Aug 2, 2023Liked by John Wheatley

Really enjoyed this, pulled me in right from the get go! Should've known Traitors Landing would not be a place for a happy ending!

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by John Wheatley

Nice. But when that student was first mentioned I knew that he was going to be more than she thought he was ;)

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I love the imbiguety of how the ending can be perceived.

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From the very start, lovely alliteration, I quite adore it!!! I didn't expect to hear nice chunks of alliterating later on, as I assumed it was merely for the introduction, but was pleasantly surprised!

I quite like a lot of the visuals and conceptualizations in this piece especially. "The night sky glowed like a riotous ocean of stars" is absolutely charming in my mind, though it could just be my own sort of tastes with these things too. And tying in the various factors from scholarly excursions to astrology gone awry and so on, it all works rather well I would say.

Well structured too, of course, with the reveal at the end being perfect and quite satisfying.

I have three thoughts regarding the outro music:

1. Your voice was drowned out by it while also distracting from the music. Perhaps a better volume balance could be struck next time?

2. Where can one find your compositions?

3. By what means do you compose? A while ago I had dabbled with a free program that I am suddenly blanking on the name of.... But I am curious what options are about and what one who has composed beyond handwriting on scrap papers throughout one's teen years should seek or avoid or know when returning to this former passion.

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P.S. I would have subscribed if Substack allowed payments through Qiwi or just non-swift aligned cards, of which my understanding is that they don't

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So, whst meant the red glram of Mars in conjunction with Saturn?

Was the boy a traitor and he lied when he referred to himself as loyal? Or his dumbness was the reason he made it out alive (and the rest died from some magical curse)?

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